Amygda for Airports

Trustworthy and explainable AI that provides decision-making support in real time


Detection rate 92%
⬇ Downtime 75%
ROI 37%

Seamlessly monitor aviation security equipment from multiple OEMs within a single AI software platform. Minimising the risk of operational disruption, reducing costs, and keeping customer satisfaction levels consistently high.

Main Features

Technician Copilot

Integrating AI into the troubleshooting process to sift through extensive data, offering accurate, context-driven solutions.

This new approach accelerates troubleshooting, drastically reducing response times and boosting efficiency.

✔ Faster troubleshooting

✔ Accurate and factual answers

✔ Resolution derived from past actions

Read our latest insights for Airports

Let's talk

Contact us to discuss how we can help you address the everyday challenges encountered by transport operators, such as resolving in-service incidents and identifying fleet issues before they cause operational disruption.